Wednesday, August 17, 2011

continued comaparisons

one of our readers, my sister, suggested that we post before and after photos.  the last post had photos but i didn't manage to state where they were.  they were taken from the old guest room windows of the doorway and wall, adjacent to the living room.

today i am showing the same space, but looking at the window, showing plaster/no plaster.

the other photo is of the old kitchen, which is being  walled in now.  it is of the old brick fireplace before exposing the brick and after.  there is no fireplace at all now.  the walls are all squared off.  in fact, the new bedroom is being framed, filling in where the doorway to the living room was and soon the pantry doorway.

i'm finding living in such small spaces with family and working with small children all day is pretty hard.  not a lot of patience left by 7pm.  new development for me, as i worked my first solo day with 21 six year olds.

looking forward to dinner, which is being delivered in a matter of minutes.

enjoy the photos

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