Monday, October 10, 2011

week 10

they are making the box beams in the new kitchen.  they will mimic the ones in the living room.  the support posts are gone.  the room is floating on a beam now.  you can see on the floor the space where the wall had been.  you see up above, where wires hang, that there will be pendant lights hanging.  they are golden onyx, gorgeous!

here is the old wall.  our guy waiting for his 5th birthday party to begin.  that wall will be reconstructed on the wall where i took that photo years ago.  there was a cabinet there and an entrance to our old kitchen.  no longer.

the new bedroom should get a new oak floor put in next week if everything goes according to plan.

cabinets are in full swing.  we might hit close to our 3 month mark after all.  i am guessing early november.

hanging in there with the two rooms for living in.  a rainy day has made it quite cozy in here.  wish i had a pot of soup going.  realize what a luxury a washer and dryer are as well.  we have a hallway of soaking wet coats dripping down our hallway.

more sooner than last time.

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